TPD Insurance

Provide options to maintain better standard of living if you are permanently disabled.

Life is unpredictable, you never know what happens next. Keep yourself ready for any type of mishap with TPD insurance policy. TPD stands for ‘Total and Permanent Disability’ will assist the insured person financially if any type of disability happens to him/her. This cover is a part of Life Insurance policy. So one can adopt it with Life cover plan or as a stand-alone policy too. We have two types of cover on offer – TPD Plus and TPS Platinum. Policy holder will get lump sum payment, if he/she is not able to continue ‘Any Occupation’ or ‘Own occupation’ and unable to perform ‘Home Duties’.

Key Features

  • Choice of cover options – let you select a cover type best suits your occupation.
  • Choice to receive claim as a lump sum or in instalments
  • Extra three additional benefits option to your TPD cover
  • Accidental TPD allowance
  • Universal TPD allowance
  • 24 hour Worldwide cover
  • Premium freeze, benefit indexation and financial planning reimbursement benefits included
  • Special TPD booster benefit (increase in amount, 5% after 2nd, 7.5% after 3rd and 10% after 5th policy anniversary)
  • TPD Advancement allowance in the case of partial loss ()

Expenses allowance list

  1. Cost of medical bills and long-term care.
  2. Pay for essential Equipment required to the disable person
  3. Make home modifications or pay for rehabilitation
  4. Mortgage, rent and other ongoing debts (if any)
  5. Meet ongoing household expenses
  6. Payments related to children’s education


  • Keep you financially stable in the difficult period of life
  • Help you family to maintain their current lifestyle in the absence of your income
  • Allows you extra benefits periodically


  1. Home-makers
  2. Business owners
  3. People with debts and dependents